Two new partners for MagnoLab: the network grows with Achille Pinto and Pattern.

MagnoLab’s network continues to grow: two new partners, Pattern and Achille Pinto, join the network, thus expanding the collaboration along the supply chain towards the design and manufacturing of finished garments and among the Italian textile districts.

“We are honored and satisfied with the entry of two companies of the caliber of Achille Pinto and Pattern into the MagnoLab network, both for the excellence each expresses in their sector and for their specific contribution of skills and operational support to the network,” comments Giovanni Marchi, President of MagnoLab. “Our mission is indeed to collaborate in a structured manner to develop innovation, research, projects, and concrete solutions to the challenges of an increasingly attentive and demanding market.

These new partnerships perfectly integrate the range of processes and operations that MagnoLab is able to manage: the final part of the textile and fashion apparel supply chain represents an area of innovation as important as it is complex, but together with Achille Pinto and Pattern, we are convinced that we can create synergies that accelerate our path towards a more sustainable and responsible production.”

“For Pattern Group, innovation, people, and sustainability are central,” says Luca Sburlati, CEO of the Pattern Group. “MagnoLab perfectly expresses a union of companies of excellence in the Italian textile supply chain aimed at these three concepts. We’re talking about one of the few places in the world where it is now possible to see all the different technologies needed to produce a fabric and then a finished garment physically brought together, a place also dedicated to product and process innovation and to training younger generations.”

“The mission of Achille Pinto is to actively influence changes in the sector; we want to be proactive and innovative,” comments Matteo Uliassi, CEO and finished product manager of Achille Pinto. “We believe in the importance of networking, developing connections to generate new ideas. For this reason, we are proud to be part of MagnoLab, a unique opportunity to unite the know-how and skills of the various partners, which we are sure will lead to significant change.”

Thus, the number of partner companies of MagnoLab rises to 10: Achille Pinto, DBT Fibre, De Martini, Marchi & Fildi, Filidea, Di.VĂ©, Pattern, Pinter Group, Maglificio Maggia, Tintoria Finissaggio 2000.