MagnoLab: pilot plant network completed

Starting in June, the network of textile companies for innovation, MagnoLab, presents its headquarters in the Biella area (in Cerrione, in the Magnonevolo district) with the necessary pilot plants to support its activity of collaborative development of innovative products and processes, with rapid and streamlined experimentation cycles. Thus, a new place, not only physical, dedicated to innovation in the textile sector takes concrete shape, sharing goals, entrepreneurship, and foresight.

“It is a ‘supply chain’ research and development center, designed specifically to pool the expertise of different sectors for the benefit of innovation, starting from the process to develop it,” explains Giovanni Marchi, President of MagnoLab. “And it is precisely with a broad supply chain perspective that we chose to support Biella Wonderland, the B2B promotional event dedicated to mechanical textiles: because it expresses one of our major goals, namely to strengthen the network among companies and other entities collaborating for the development of the sector and the entire local fabric. ITMA, in this sense, represents an unmissable opportunity to interact with the best of the global mechanical textile industry.”