MagnoLab for Turkey: €40,000 donation sent

MagnoLab, the network of textile companies for innovation, has chosen to provide tangible support to the populations affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey. A total of €40,000 was collected and donated to two organizations, TEGV and TGSD, identified as reliable reference points for emergency and reconstruction initiatives.

“We chose these two associations for their reliability and the projects they implement for the population affected by the earthquake: concrete help to people is indeed the essential purpose of this donation,” explains Giovanni Marchi, president of MagnoLab. “Specifically, TGSD will use the funds received to build prefabricated homes for the displaced, and as of today, there are already 150 available.”

The Turkish Clothing Manufacturers’ Association (TGSD), founded in 1976, is a professional organization that became a public utility organization by the decree of the Council of Ministers No. 2003/5288 of February 7, 2003. It represents the main exporters of the sector, primarily to the European Union and the United States, and constitutes a significant part of the total export volume. It is part of IAF (International Apparel Federation), Intercolor (International Commission for Color), and Euratex (the European Confederation of Apparel and Textile).

The Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV) was founded on January 23, 1995, thanks to the initiative of a group of industrialists, managers, and academics, with the goal of supporting state-provided basic education. From the beginning, TEGV focused on providing non-formal education to school-age children, starting with the motto “As each child changes, Turkey prospers,” and has become the most widespread non-governmental organization operating in the field of education. In 2009, TEGV was recognized by the Council of Ministers as one of the foundations authorized to “collect charity without permission.” TEGV continues to provide educational support to children, adopting a contemporary mission and vision, at 8 educational parks, 29 learning units, and 18 Firefly learning units of its own in 24 cities of Turkey, under the cooperation protocol signed with the Ministry of National Education (MEB) on December 28, 2018.

MagnoLab, textile companies networked for innovation
MagnoLab is the new network of textile companies with different and complementary roles in the supply chain, whose primary mission is to collaborate in a structured way to develop innovation, research, and projects related to sustainability and the circular economy.
To date, MagnoLab’s partner companies are 8: De Martini Bayart and Textifibra, De Martini, Marchi & Fildi, Filidea, Di.Vé, Pinter Caipo Italia, Maglificio Maggia, Tintoria Finissaggio 2000.
Starting in June, the physical network of pilot plants, established in a single location in Cerrione, in the Magnonevolo district, will be ready to begin its collaborative development of innovative products and processes with rapid and streamlined experimentation cycles. The goal of the project, therefore, is to create a place, not only physical, dedicated to innovation in the textile sector, sharing goals, entrepreneurship, and foresight. Starting from these assumptions, the MagnoLab network is open to new realities that wish to participate.