Collaboration between Retex.Green and MagnoLab

MagnoLab and Retex.Green have embarked on a strategic collaboration to promote circularity processes in the textile/fashion sector. This joint effort aims to foster the sustainable transformation of the entire supply chain.

The textile/fashion industry is indeed one of the sectors with the highest environmental impact (in terms of both the quantity of water, energy, and raw materials used, and the amount of waste produced). Therefore, it is crucial for supply chain operators to understand that efficient and sustainable resource management required for production will increasingly be demanded by the rapid evolution of sector-specific regulations (there are no fewer than 17 measures expected in the coming years for textiles/fashion at the EU level).

However, this scenario of great transformation also opens significant opportunities to enhance corporate competitiveness by capitalizing on the strengths of Made in Italy through a reinterpretation of offerings in terms of beauty, well-made, and sustainable.

“MagnoLab is a ‘supply chain’ research and development center, specifically designed to pool the expertise of various sectors for the benefit of research and innovation, right from the process of developing them,” explains Giovanni Marchi, President of MagnoLab. “Our goal is to strengthen the network among companies and other entities collaborating for the development of the sector and the entire industrial fabric.

In this sense, the collaboration with Retex.Green, in line with the sustainability guidelines set by the European Commission, can provide a significant contribution to the transition towards a circular economy in the sector. The two entities are ready to work together to develop new technologies, promote circular production, and raise public awareness about the importance of textile recycling.”

“The Retex.Green Consortium wants to contribute to a future where all players in the textile/fashion supply chain, upstream and downstream, become protagonists of circularity and interpreters of the paradigm of a new sustainable capitalism,” says Mauro Chezzi, Deputy Director of Sistema Moda Italia and associated representative of the Consortium. “For this reason, we have decided to initiate collaboration with MagnoLab, with whom we strongly share this vision.”